Our Public Procurement team, including Partner Alexandros Kortesis and Senior Associate Fay Karkantzou and Associates Evgenia Tzavara and Katerina Mastrogiannopoulou has put together a Public Procurement Bulletin with recent legislative and case law developments
Said Bulletin (in Greek) can be found here: Link

Our Capital Markets team, including Managing Partner George Bersis, Senior Associate Elena Theocharakou and Junior Associate Katerina Pappa, has put together a summary of the key changes brought by Regulation (EU) 2024/2809 (Listing Act Regulation) to Regulation (EU) 2017/1129 on the prospectus to be published when securities are offered to the public or admitted to trading on a regulated market (Prospectus Regulation/ PR).
The changes aim at reinforcing the attractiveness of EU public markets, by tackling certain obstacles stemming from the length, complexity and costs of the prospectus documentation.

Check out the link for all the details https://www.potamitisvekris.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/12/Capital-Markets-newsletter-eu-listing-act-key-changes-to-the-prospectus-regulation.pdf

The future of data and AI is here and οrganizations of all sizes will continue facing new challenges in data and AI use. Our head of TMT & Data Protection practice, partner Spiros Tassis shares his insights to OneTrust’s 2024 “Bridging the gap: Innovating responsibly” that compiles the biggest operational and regulatory trends to impact organizations in the coming year.

Learn how your organization can thrive in this new landscape and stay ahead of the curve: https://www.potamitisvekris.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/12/ot-trust-predictions-report-ebook.pdf

Our firm is the exclusive contributor to the Lexology Panoramic: Restructuring & Insolvency 2025, a practical guide that provides readers the opportunity to compare regulatory environments across different jurisdictions.

Stathis Potamitis (Senior Partner) and Konstantinos Rachianiotis (Senior Associate), authored the chapter for Greece, sharing local insights and the latest information on several issues including: types of liquidation and reorganisation processes; insolvency tests and filing requirements; directors’ duties and liabilities; stays of proceedings and moratoria; doing business during reorganisations; asset sales; creditor remedies, verification of claims and distribution of bankruptcy proceeds; clawback and related-party transactions; cross-border insolvencies; and recent trends.

To access our overview for Greece, please click the link below

We are delighted to be a contributor to the Chambers Global Practice Guide: Insolvency 2024.
Stathis Potamitis (Senior Partner), Vassilis Stergiou (Partner) and Konstantinos Rachianiotis (Senior Associate), authored the Greek chapter, sharing insights, recent developments and valuable information regarding the local legal framework.
Our article provides the latest legal information for Greece on the broad legal framework for insolvencies, the role of creditors, out-of-court and statutory restructuring and insolvency proceedings, cross-border insolvency issues, as well as directors’ duties and liabilities.
To access our overview for Greece, please click the link below

Our firm is the exclusive contributor to the 2024 edition of the Chambers White-Collar Crime Global Practice Guide. The chapter on Greece was authored by our Civil & Criminal Litigation and Arbitration partner, Konstantinos Papadiamantis, with the support of Natalie Chrisagi (Senior Associate) and associates Andreas Matsakas and Evgenia Kordou. This chapter offers detailed, practical guidance on the enforcement of laws related to white-collar crime in Greece, along with insights into potential future developments.
The guide provides up-to-date legal information on topics such as corporate fraud and criminal company law, corporate and personal liability, white-collar enforcement authorities, bribery and influence peddling, insider trading and market abuse, tax fraud, cartels, cybercrime, money laundering, white-collar defences, and whistle-blowing.

Read the chapter for Greece here:

We are thrilled to announce our contribution to the Lexology Panoramic Next Artificial Intelligence Guide, where the dynamic and fast-evolving world of artificial intelligence in Greece takes center stage!

In this insightful guide, Spiros Tassis, Partner, and Panagiota Kelali, Senior Associate, share their expertise in an engaging interview. They delve into the most critical legislative, regulatory, and policy initiatives shaping the future for AI developers, while also exploring what lies ahead in this transformative field.

AI is revolutionizing industries, and understanding its legal and regulatory landscape is crucial for innovation to thrive. We are proud to be at the forefront of these discussions, contributing to the global dialogue on this exciting topic.

Check out our insights and join the conversation about the future of AI in Greece and beyond here:

Our Capital Markets team, including Managing Partner George Bersis, Senior Associate Elena Theocharakou and Junior Associate Katerina Pappa, has put together a summary of the key changes brought by Regulation (EU) 2024/2809 (Listing Act Regulation) to Regulation (EU) 596/2014 on market abuse (MAR).

Check out the link for all the details. https://www.potamitisvekris.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/12/Capital-Markets-newsletter-eu-listing-act-key-changes-to-the-market-abuse-regulation.pdf

Alexandros Metallinos (Partner) and Evangelia Natsi (Associate), share in REDinvest special edition a comprehensive viewpoint and legal insights about the reform of the Greek law in Real Estate Investment Companies (REICs) and the need for a new legislative framework that will be flexible, simple, modern and will offer tax advantages.
You can read the full article below:
