- Alexander Metallinos, The interpretation of national Law in conformity with community law (in Greek), In memoriam Alkis Argyriadis, Vol. II, pp. 607 et seq.
- Alexander Metallinos, Insurance contracts in private international law (in Greek), 1997
- Alexander Metallinos, The decision of the Capital Markets Commission on tender offers (in Greek), Annual Conference of Commercial Law Experts, 2001
- Alexander Metallinos, Legal issues regarding the conclusion of financial derivative contracts from legal entities having their legal seat or a permanent establishment in Greece (in Greek), Law of Undertakings and Companies 2003, pp. 515 et seq.
- Alexander Metallinos, The end of the real seat theory in the EU, Comment on ECJ decision of 5.11.2002 (in Greek), Überseering BV v. Nordic Construction Company Baumanagement GmbH (NCC), C-208/00, Review of Commercial Law 2003, pp. 194 et. seq.
- Alexander Metallinos, Issues of set-off in the securitization of claims (in Greek), in Greek Society of Banking Law and Capital Markets Law, Minutes of the 1st annual conference 2005 (2008), pp. 159 et seq.
- Alexander Metallinos, Corporate bonds in private international law (in Greek), Annual Conference of Commercial Law Experts, 2008
- Alexander Metallinos, Commentary on article 6 of Company Law 2190/1920 (in Greek), in Law of Sociétés Anonymes, E. Perakis (ed.), 2010
- Alexander Metallinos, Chapters on the applicable law regarding legal entities and on international insolvency (in Greek), in Law of International Transactions, Ch. Pamboukis (ed.), 2010
- Alexander Metallinos, Commentary on article 4 (in Greek), in The private international law of non-contractual obligations, Commentary on Regulation 864/2007 (Rome II), A. Bolos/ D.P. Tzakas (ed.), 2013
- Alexander Metallinos, Commentary on articles 23, 24, 42, 44, 45, 53 and 54 (in Greek), in International Successions Law, Commentary on Regulation (EU) 650/2012, Ch. Pamboukis (ed.), 2016
- Alexander Metallinos, The group of companies in conflict of laws (in Greek) in Groups of undertakings, Union of Greek Commercial Law Experts (ed.), 2017
- Alexander Metallinos, Bonds and bond loans (in Greek), in Reforms of company law 2018-2019, Union of Greek Commercial Law Experts (ed.), 2019
- Alexander Metallinos, Commentary on articles 4-33 Civil Code (Private international law) (in Greek), in Concise Commentary on the Civil Code, Ap. Georgiades (ed.), Vol. I, 1st ed. 2010, 2nd ed. 2022.
- Alexander Metallinos, Private International Law in the Jurisprudence of Greek Courts (1995-1996), RHDI 49 (1996), pp. 229-240
- Alexander Metallinos, National report for Greece in the XXth fide Congress of 2002 on II. Financial Services in the Era of the Euro and E-Commerce: Does Home Country Control Work?
- Alexander Metallinos, Chapter on Greece, in Grant J. (ed.), European Takeovers, The Art of Acquisition (1st ed. 2005, 2nd ed. 2018), pp. 217-223.
- Alexander Metallinos, The Greek Sovereign Debt Restructuring in Sovereign Debt and Debt Restructuring, Eugenio A Bruno (ed), 2013
- Alexander Metallinos, Covered Bonds, Greek Law Digest, 2016
- Alexander Metallinos, Applicable law on companies and other legal entities – The current state of play in Greek private international law, Αναμνηστικός Τόμος Λεωνίδα Γεωργακόπουλου, 2016, σ. 551 επ. [In memoriam Leonidas Georgakopoulos, 2016, pp. 551 et seq.]
- Alexander Metallinos, Commentary on articles 23, 24, 42, 44, 45, 53 and 54 in EU Succession Regulation No 650/2012, A Commentary, Ch. Pamboukis (ed.), 2017