Our partners Stathis Potamitis & Alexander Metallinos were 2 of the 4 experts that drafted the new Greek Insolvency framework

We celebrate the tremendous recognition granted to the new Greek Insolvency framework (law 4738/2020) by the OECD in its most recent insolvency indicator communication. Our partners Stathis Potamitis and Alexander Metallinos were 2 of the 4 members of the expert group that drafted the new framework as a pro bono publico contribution to the Ministry of Economy. The OECD introduced the insolvency indicator in 2016 to review and rank the most relevant features of insolvency frameworks for resource reallocation and productivity growth. The indicator was updated in 2022 to include 45 countries, including all OECD and EU members. The 2022 index ranks Greece in the second best position among the 45 countries reviewed, second only to the United Kingdom. We are proud to have contributed to this successful reform in our country:
