Andreas, member of the Athens Bar Association, specializes in criminal law and human rights law. Since 2012 he has been representing both individuals and legal entities, either as civil claimants or as defendants, in criminal cases of a wide range of offences, including fraud, extortion, forgery, breach of trust, money laundering, larceny, embezzlement, damage to alien property, mugging, violation of the confidentiality of documents, telephone communication and oral conversation, delicts relating to unlawful access to or interference with information systems, electronic data and computer data or programs, human trafficking, pimping, rape and violation of sexual dignity, drug trafficking, homicide by willful intention or by negligence, exposure to danger, all forms of bodily harm, insult, defamation and slander.Andreas also advises and represents clients on civil law cases relating mainly to family law (e.g. matters of maintenance of spouses and children, poor parenting and communication between parents and children) and succession law (e.g. matters of succession by intestacy or succession by testament, renunciation or acceptance of inheritance, forced succession and lawful share, legacies, donations mortis causa and litigation among co-heirs).

Being a member of the broadly experienced team of PotamitisVekris, known for its particularly high level of legal education and its solutions-driven mentality, I value its well-organized work environment and the opportunity to benefit from the knowledge and experience of its legal team, with a view to sharpening and expanding my skills as an attorney.


Athens, 2012




Leiden University, Leiden, the Netherlands, Advanced LLM in European and International Human Rights Law, 2017
National & Kapodistrian University of Athens, Faculty of Law, LLM in Penal Sciences – Substantive and Procedural Law, 2015
National & Kapodistrian University of Athens, Faculty of Law, LLB, 2010
Award from the State Scholarships Foundation; Scholarship from the Latsis Foundation