We are delighted to announce that last week, the agreement for the sale of the share capital of Depa Infrastructure SA to Italgas S.p.A, one of the leading gas distributors in Italy and the third largest market player in Europe has been signed, marking a significant milestone towards the completion of this landmark privatization in the energy sector.
POTAMITISVEKRIS’ Corporate and M&A team led by Managing Partner Stathis Potamitis and Senior Associate Maria Perifanou, supported by Alexia Tzouni (Senior Associate), Palmyra Chantzara (Associate), as well as by Dimitra Rachouti (Senior Associate) and Kostas Manikas (Associate) led by Dimitris Loukas (Head of our EU, Competition & Antitrust team) assisted the Hellenic Republic Asset Development Fund (HRADF) throughout this highly demanding tender process, which is now successfully heading towards its completion.