POTAMITISVEKRIS’ Pro Bono Litigation Case before the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR)

POTAMITISVEKRIS’s litigation team, headed by Partner, Konstantinos Papadiamantis, represented Andreas Georgiou before the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR), former head of the Hellenic Statistical Authority (ELSTAT) during the crisis years. ECHR ruled that Andrea Georgiou did not have a fair trial, when he was condemned for breach of duty, regarding his actions as head of the ELSTAT. ECHR considered that the “reopening of the proceedings before Court of Cassation” would constitute the appropriate just satisfaction.
Andreas Georgiou an Amherst Scholar and internationally revered statistician, served as head of ELSTAT in the crisis years, and adapted the method of the Greek statistical authority to the European standards, revealing, thus, the real figure of the Greek Public Debt. He has been accused of “falsifying the Greek statistic data” by various political figures, an accusation met with the disapprobation of the international statistical community and the EU authorities, who qualified him as “the scapegoat” for Greece’s political and economic crisis.
PV’s litigation team defended Andreas Georgiou before various Greek jurisdictions. It is a pro bono case that our firm handled and reflects our values as lawyers since it’s a way to promote social justice.